Recently, the Wisconsin Department of Justice posted an extensive guidance on the implementation of the new Wisconsin concealed carry law, 2011 Wisconsin Act 35. For a summary of the DOJ’s emergency rules and procedures enacted to implement the new concealed carry law, see the DOJ’s website:
On November 7, 2011, the Joint Committee For The Review of Administrative Rules (the “Joint Commission”) suspended portions of the DOJ’s emergency rules affecting the training requirements for concealed carry licenses. Proof of training is still required to apply for a license. The Joint Commission’s changes effecting the emergency rules are as follows:
- Elimination of any time requirement for the firearms safety and training course
- Elimination of the word test from the definition of firearms safety and training course
- Elimination of any time requirement for firearms instructor training
- Elimination of the instructor’s signature from the certificate affirming they taught the course to the student
- Elimination of any instructor contact information on the certificate
- Elimination of the location where the training was provided from the certificate
Any application submitted prior to these changes will be processed in accordance with the above revisions. Please follow the above links for more information about this subject matter.
Should you have any questions regarding the above-mentioned matters, please contact us today.