With end-of-life planning, you won’t leave your family scrambling to make decisions during an emotional time. No one wants to think about the end of their life but doing so with a plan for the end will only show your loved ones how much you care. End of life planning is a part of estate planning that many don’t think of. You don’t need to only plan for your assets, there are tough decisions that should be made ahead of time when it comes to the end of your life. Making the tough decisions before it becomes necessary will help your family during an emotional time when they should be focusing on their grief. Here’s what to know about end-of-life planning.
End of Life Planning to Help Your Loved Ones
In your estate planning you’ll make decision about the people that would handle your affairs when the time comes. But as we all know, sometimes that time comes when we aren’t expecting it. Your estate plan should also include your end of life planning, not just planning for your finances and assets. A living will puts in place your decisions when it comes to your end-of-life care. These decisions should be made ahead of time in case an emergency arises in which you’re unable to advocate for yourself. A living will includes decisions about prolonged care, pain management, and organ donation. You can also include wishes for funeral arrangements, memorial services, and what you’d like done with your remains (i.e., cremation).
Having a plan ready with these tough decisions will take the burden off your loved ones. Your family won’t need to worry about what you may have wanted because you’ve made the decisions ahead of time.
This time can be so overwhelming both emotionally and with everything that needs to be done. We’re always here to help guide you through the process when it comes to estate administration. Let us know how we can help. If you’re in Illinois or Wisconsin, contact us today and let us know how we can help.
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